Contact houden met kandidaten tijdens corona-crisis

The coronavirus has a huge impact in our country – just like in the rest of the world. We have to adhere to all kinds of measures, we work from home a lot and the economy is taking a huge hit. 

Covid-19 also has an effect on the job market. In June, the number of unemployed increased by 74 thousand and 4.3% of the working population is currently unemployed, according to the Central Bureau of Statistics. This means that there are many job seekers and relatively few vacancies. How do you, as a recruiter, keep in touch with all candidates? And how can you quickly and  efficiently select suitable candidates  from that crowd? We explain this in this blog. 

How do you keep in touch with candidates?

It is a major challenge for recruiters to maintain contact with candidates during the current corona crisis. Despite their ATS systems with  extensive functionalities,  they now have to think out-of-the-box. Conducting introductory and job interviews is particularly difficult. Candidates can no longer drop by for a cup of coffee. Fortunately, there is such a thing as video calling today. And in addition to the job interviews themselves, recruiters maintaining contact with candidates is very important. 

Conduct job interviews via video calling 

You’re probably familiar with video calling. It is also called Skype, video calling, Facetime or a video call. The idea is simple, you speak to each other via a mobile phone, tablet or laptop, where you can see the other person. This is close to having a physical conversation. This is an ideal way for recruiters to still conduct an introductory or job interview despite all applicable measures. You know what a candidate looks like, you can better read during the conversation how someone reacts, whether someone seems interested, etc. 

Although video calling is in many ways close to a ‘normal’ job interview, there are also disadvantages. You can of course see each other’s facial expressions, but a large part of non-verbal communication is not visible. Sketching a picture of candidates is a major challenge for recruiters in the current corona crisis. 

How can you make video calls?

Video calling is possible with different devices. The most commonly used devices are a mobile phone, a tablet and a laptop. These devices often have a built-in camera, which makes you visible to the person you are video calling with. 

There are various applications and programs that allow you to make video calls. One of the best known is probably Skype. Skype can be used for mobile devices as well as laptops and computers. It is also possible to make video calls via WhatsApp. WhatsApp is a commonly used communication program to send messages with mobile phones. You can also make video calls with it, which works best on mobile devices. You can FaceTime on Apple devices. A disadvantage of this is that this is only possible between Apple devices. Does the candidate have another device? Then unfortunately Facetime is not an option. 

The last option we mention is Google HangOuts. This is Google’s video calling service and only works with a Google Account. The advantage of Google Hangouts for Recruiters is that they can share a link or even include it in the calendar invitation they send to the candidate. 

Clear communication is necessary

The corona crisis means that communication in these channels must be even clearer. Not only is it now important to agree on when you will conduct interviews and what information you need from the candidate. When conducting video calls, it is important to clearly communicate which video service you will use. For example, conduct the conversation via Skype, WhatsApp, HangOuts or Facetime. The candidate can then ensure that he has installed the necessary video service. It is also important to indicate that the candidate ensures stable internet. Nothing is more annoying than a stuttering video call and grainy image. This irritates yourself and the candidate and also makes assessing a candidate even more difficult. 

Maintain contact outside of job interviews

Besides conducting introductory and job interviews, good communication between recruiters and candidates is very important. Contact via e-mail and telephone contact remain the most important channels. But nowadays channels such as WhatsApp and Social Media can also be used to communicate. Through these channels you can easily ask candidates short questions to which you need a quick answer, for example, so you can continue with your work. 

Agree through which channels you will communicate 

At this time, you must communicate clearly about the channels you use to stay in touch with the candidates. If you ask a candidate questions through all kinds of channels, such as WhatsApp, Social Media and by email, messages may be overlooked. And of course it also works the other way around. If you ask a recruiter multiple questions through different channels, there is a good chance that the candidate has lost the overview. Therefore, communicate clearly through which channels you as a recruiter can be reached and through which channels the candidate can expect messages from you. 

Integrations in CRM systems to maintain contact

Advanced recruitment software or CRM systems for the temporary employment sector are equipped with integrated communication channels. This makes it easier and clearer for recruiters to maintain contact with candidates. They can then carry out their work from one central system. 

Communication channels that you now find integrated in ATS systems (Applicant Tracking Systems) include email, social media and WhatsApp. This makes it easy for the recruiter to send messages and manage communication channels. All communication per candidate is visible at a glance. But sending personalized messages to larger groups can also be done quickly and efficiently. Good temporary employment software, recruitment and selection software or secondment software is indispensable in the current corona crisis.

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